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Revista Mozaicul „About your Facebook Page”

Răspunde la: itl@invitetolike.com
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De la: Inna Shenkin
Subiect: About your Facebook Page

Hi there,

I’ve noticed you have a Facebook page and thought you might be

interested checking our new Chrome Extension for FB page owners.

Our Chrome Extension will automatically invite the people who already

showed interest in your page by liking your posts to also like your page.

You can find it in the Chrome Web Store:


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Inna Shenkin,

InviteToLike Team.

Acest email a fost trimis din pagina de contact a Revista Mozaicul (https://revista-mozaicul.ro)

Revista Mozaicul „Test”

Răspunde la: geo2009@gmail.com
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De la: Geo
Subiect: Test

Test din pagina de contact a revistei

Acest email a fost trimis din pagina de contact a Revista Mozaicul (https://revista-mozaicul.ro)